Monk Builds.
Esta página documenta uma variedade de Monk Builds recomendados. Para combinar essas construções, você deve ativar o Modo Eletivo.
Para obter informações sobre as habilidades do Monk, confira as seções sobre suas habilidades ativas e passivas.
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EditPain Storm.
Construído proposto por P0rtl.
Esta construção centra-se em construir rapidamente e gastar o Espírito, mantendo a capacidade de sobrevivência para assumir grandes grupos ou inimigos perigosos.
O objetivo primário desta construção é atingir o máximo de espírito possível através de punhos de trovão, vento arrebatador e aliado místico. O Espírito é gasto em Cyclone Strike para causar dano pesado AoE, ou em Mantra of Healing.
Ao empilhar runas como Quickening, Inner Storm, Air Ally e Circular Breathing, bem como habilidades passivas como Soul Exaltado e Chant of Resonance, os jogadores terão muito Espírito para trabalhar, então manter o Mantra of Healing Buff deve sempre ser possível e é essencial em níveis e dificuldades mais elevados.
Esta compilação concentra-se em lidar com Lightning e danos físicos, de modo a incentivar a criação de itens que melhorem o dano físico ou Lightning.
Estilo EditPlay.
Os jogadores devem iniciar lutas usando Dashing Strike para chegar ao coração da ação, depois ativando Mantra of Healing para se proteger. Uma vez que o seu escudo esteja subido, aumente o Air Ally e jogue imediatamente o Vento de varredura para obter suas pilhas rapidamente. Então, gaste a maior parte do seu Spirit em Cyclone Strike. Uma vez que você está quase fora do Espírito, atualize Mantra of Healing e use Fists of Thunder para recuperar o Spirit até que esteja com 60% de cheio, então use Cyclone Strike novamente, mantendo o Mantra de Cura.
Use Dashing Strike para entrar e sair do calor do combate, e não tenha medo de mexer com o perigo, porque você sempre pode sugar os inimigos de volta para você usando Cyclone Strike.
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Diablo III Wiki Guide.
3 de setembro de 2018.
3 de setembro de 2018.
Data de lançamento: 25 de março de 2018.
Data de lançamento: 19 de agosto de 2018.
Diablo III é a terceira iteração na franquia mega-blockbuster da Blizzard Entertainment. É um RPG de ação de fantasia / horror que mantém os elementos principais dos dois primeiros jogos. O Diablo III foi anunciado pela primeira vez em 28 de junho de 2008 e foi lançado no dia 15 de maio, # 160; 2018 & # 160; no PC. Diablo III foi & # 160; lançado para Playstation 3 e Xbox 360 em 3 de setembro de 2018. Uma expansão chamada & # 160; Reaper of Souls & # 160; foi lançado em 25 de março de 2018, adicionando um novo arco de história (Act V) e uma nova Classe de Personagem (o Crusader).
O jogo para PC foi enviado em um padrão e uma versão de edição de colecionador. Para jogar o Diablo III, os jogadores de PC precisam estar conectados ao serviço de Batalha da Blizzard.
Diablo III ocorre duas décadas depois de Diablo, Mephisto e Baal torturaram o mundo do Santuário em Diablo II.
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Ceifador de Almas.
Em 21 de agosto de 2018, a Blizzard anunciou a primeira expansão oficial do Diablo III Reaper of Souls. A expansão leva os jogadores a Westmarch enquanto combatem o Angel of Death, Malthael.
Reaper of Souls lançado em 25 de março de 2018, e introduziu um novo Ato, a classe de jogadores Crusader, um aumento de nível de limite para 70, o Mystic (usado para encantar ou transformar itens) e novos feitiços e habilidades para as cinco classes de baunilha.
Em uma atualização apenas antes do lançamento do Reaper of Souls, Paragon 2.0 e Loot 2.0, bem como dois novos modos de jogo: Bounties e Nephalem Rifts.
A história de Reaper of Souls segue após a derrota de Diablo. Malthael, o único Arcanjo da Sabedoria, retorna como o Anjo da Morte. Malthael roubou o Black Soulstone e levou-o para Westmarch tentando usar seu poder sombrio para ajudar a erradicar todos os seres humanos do Santuário. Os jogadores lutam pela cidade para parar Malthael e sua banda de demônios e, eventualmente, enfrentar a bruxa Adria dos jogos de Diablo. Depois de vencer legiões de demônios, o jogador deve se aventurar no mundo espectal do Pandemonium para encarar o próprio Angel of Death, Malthael. Ao confrontar Malthael, ele destrói e consome o Black Soulstone tornando-se o Prime Evil mais uma vez para o jogador derrotar. Desconhecido para o jogador, destruir o Black Soulstone faz com que as almas presas dentro sejam liberadas, liberando Diablo e seu irmão mais uma vez no mundo do Santuário. & # 160;
Juntar-se às fileiras dos heróis do Santuário é o Cruzado, uma classe de corpo a corpo fortemente blindada especializada em cura e tanking. O Cruzado pode exercer a única arma de Flail e usa Wrath como um recurso, que é construído e consumido pelas habilidades do Cruzado.
EditLoot 2.0.
Ao lado da remoção da Casa de Leilão, o Reaper of Souls apresenta Loot 2.0, o que altera significativamente a forma como o loot é descartado. Em vez de receber um número elevado de itens inteiramente casualizados, os jogadores receberão menos itens que tenham maiores chances de serem atualizações significativas. Itens lendários também foram significativamente alterados, e agora têm características mais interessantes e únicas.
O Mystic é a mais recente adição aos seguidores de arte que Nephalem tem acesso. O Mystic pode executar duas funções: Enchanting e Transmogrification. Enchanting permite aos jogadores reencaminhar uma única estatística em um equipamento, permitindo um certo controle sobre as estatísticas de um item. A transmogrificação permite aos jogadores reanudar suas artes para se parecerem com outro item que eles já realizaram.
Modo EditAdventure.
Adventure Mode é uma nova forma de jogo em Reaper of Souls. Modo Adventure possui dois tipos de jogabilidade, Bounties e Nephalem Rifts. As recompensas são missões de caça e morte baseadas na exploração, enquanto os Nephalem Rifts são corridas de calabouço rápidas com toneladas de monstros poderosos.
EditDifficulty Settings.
Um novo sistema de dificuldade foi introduzido com Reaper of Souls. Em vez de ter configurações de dificuldade para determinar o nível de monstro, os monstros agora escalam para o nível do jogador, enquanto o controle deslizante de dificuldade descreve como monstros difíceis serão para um jogador de qualquer nível. Quanto maior a dificuldade, maior será a recompensa.
EditParagon 2.0.
A Reaper of Souls também trouxe grandes mudanças ao sistema Paragon. O limite de nível para o nível do Paragon foi removido, e agora cada nível de Paragon que um jogador pode ser usado para aumentar permanentemente as estatísticas de todos os personagens na conta dos jogadores.
EditSocial Features.
Clãs e Comunidades chegaram ao Diablo 3, dando aos jogadores as ferramentas de que precisam para formar grupos, comunidades e amizades.
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Guia de estratégia do Diablo iii versão do console pdf.
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Os melhores jogos de PC.
Vamos deixar um fato importante fora do caminho antes de mergulhar no fundo do pool: este não é um exame histórico dos jogos de PC mais inovadores. Não. Até. Fechar. Claro, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain redefine a ação baseada no sigilo e Forza Horizon 3 é o piloto definitivo do mundo aberto, mas eles não chegaram a este guia com base exclusivamente nessas métricas. Simplificando, esta é uma coleção em constante expansão de todos os excelentes títulos que você deve comprar se você possui uma mesa de trabalho ou laptop.
Para esclarecer, os jogos não precisam ter sido lançados em 2017 (ou até 2018) para se qualificarem para este roundup. Qualquer jogo ainda disponível e ainda considerado excelente quando classificado contra o melhor de hoje é elegível. Nós achamos que essa é a abordagem mais útil para ajudá-lo a decidir quais jogos de vídeo merecem espaço no disco rígido do seu PC, e que não valem a pena considerar, mesmo quando seus preços são reduzidos em 85% durante uma venda de Steam.
Gaming the System.
Compilar este guia não era uma pequena empresa. Os editores internos e freelance da PCMag desempenharam um número ridículo de jogos de PC ao longo dos anos, de modo que a criação de critérios de inclusão era essencial. Aqui está o que surgiu. Para ser incluído, um jogo deve ter sido revisado pelo PCMag, ainda estará disponível para compra e recebeu uma classificação de 3,5 estrelas ou superior.
O primeiro requisito é assegurar que possamos dar-lhe mais informações sobre um jogo. Sim, este guia entra em alguma profundidade em cada entrada do jogo, mas a capacidade de vincular a uma revisão completa beneficia aqueles que procuram um corte mais profundo. O segundo ponto que já abordamos. O terceiro ponto exigiu um pouco de ponderação. Nós não queríamos definir a classificação de estrelas tão baixa que quase qualquer jogo de PC qualificado para o guia, mas nós não queremos definir a classificação de estrelas tão alta que excluímos jogos de nível B de qualidade, como Killer Is Dead e Transformers: Devastation. Por enquanto, três estrelas são o meio feliz, mas, à medida que revisamos mais jogos, talvez precisamos ser escolhidos, para manter a lista em um tamanho gerenciável.
Escavando em nossas escolhas.
Atualmente, existem mais de 100 jogos neste guia de jogos de PC, de modo que a navegação tão simples quanto possível foi uma prioridade extremamente alta para nossos comandos criativos. Os jogos são agrupados alfabeticamente por gênero, e os títulos em cada categoria estão listados em ordem alfabética. Basta selecionar um gênero, dizer Fighting Games, e a página salta para essa seção. Fácil!
Por favor, note que estamos trabalhando atualmente para preencher alguns gêneros pouco povoados. Os comentaristas notaram a escassez de horror e MMORPGs nas encarnações anteriores deste guia, então nossa equipe editorial está focada na revisão de mais títulos que podem justificar a inclusão nessas categorias. Isso, amigos, é tudo sobre você.
Participe da conversa.
Se você não concorda com nossas escolhas, ou sinta que devemos rever um jogo que de alguma maneira escorregou pelas rachaduras, soa na seção de comentários abaixo e mdash, nós agradecemos sua entrada! Apenas fique civilizado.
Ah, e se você é um jogador de console que pensa que somos tendenciosos para jogos de PC, porque somos o PCMag & mdash, você está certo! Ainda assim, nossa equipe reuniu suas melhores escolhas para PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U e 3DS. Essas redacções não são tão robustas como esta, já que o PC possui uma biblioteca muito mais profunda e, bem, isso é PC Magazine.
Agora apresentamos os melhores jogos de PC. Apreciar!
Melhores Jogos de Ação.
Aventuras de Pip.
Tic Toc Games 'Adventures of Pip é uma plataforma de ação de rolagem lateral que se baseia em uma premissa interessante: evoluindo e devolvendo um herói baseado em pixels entre suas formas de 1 e 16 bits para lutar pelo nível após o nível de patrões e patrões . A premissa única, os ambientes ricos e a jogabilidade divertida se combinam para formar um jogo com muito coração e charme, apesar do alcance limitado de suas armas e power-ups.
Axiom Verge.
% displayPreço% em% vendedor% O desenvolvedor Tom Happ, conhecido por seu trabalho nas revistas Tiger Woods PGA Tour e NFL Street da EA Sports, tornou-se indie e criou um delicioso tributo ao gênero de ação exploratória (também conhecido como Metroidvania). Este jogo de plataformas 2D combina os melhores aspectos dos clássicos scrolls laterais como Castlevania: Symphony of the Night e Metroid para oferecer uma experiência refinada para os recém-chegados do gênero e veterinários experientes. Axiom Verge é um título divertido e envolvente, mas elementos da história e armas aparentemente inúteis mar a experiência um pouco.
Cidade de Arkham do Batman.
% displayPrice% at% seller% "Se você gostou de X, você vai adorar Y!" pode ser o mais barato de aplausos críticos, mas às vezes nada mais vai fazer. Então, aqui vai: se você gostou de Batman: Arkham Asylum, você vai adorar Batman: Arkham City. O desenvolvedor Rocksteady Studios empresta tudo do Asylum que funcionou (luta emocionante, excelente atuação de voz), embora ofereça muito menos inovação. Isso torna o derivado da Arkham City, mas o jogo está cheio de diversão suficiente, que ainda é um dos melhores jogos de ação do PC.
% displayPrice% at% seller% O Bayonetta original é um dos melhores jogos de ação já feitos, e facilmente fica ao lado de clássicos de gênero como God Hand, Devil May Cry 3 e Ninja Gaiden Black. Possui ação explosiva, e testa sua proeza combinada contra toda criatura divina no bom livro. Apesar do desempenho da Bayonetta no PlayStation 3, esta porta de PC é excelente. Ele oferece a ação em uma taxa de quadros sólida e uma série de resoluções incomuns, o que torna esta versão a experiência definitiva de matar anjo.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Cuphead é um charmoso híbrido run-and-gun / shoot-'em-up que canaliza a série icônica Contra da Konami, ao mesmo tempo em que inspira muito o estilo de animação de mangueira de borracha que foi proeminente durante a década de 1920 e Desenhos animados da era dos anos 1930. Se você está familiarizado com a jogada de ritmo rápido da série Contra, então Cuphead deve estar bem no seu beco. O protagonista titular e seu irmão Mugman devem ter uma grande variedade de estágios perigosos e patrões para completar sua missão. Cuphead não possui o design de nível expansivo apresentado em Contra e outros clássicos de gênero, mas o jogo de ação hardcore oferece uma lista robusta de lutas de chefe complexas e satisfatórias a serem superadas, ao estilo do Alien Soldier, do Tesouro.
Ilha morta.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Quando o trailer da Techland Dead Island estreou, apresentou uma das seqüências de videogames mais em movimento já produzidas: uma criança pequena e sua família sendo abatidas por zumbis contra o pano de fundo de uma suave e assombrosa pontuação musical de Giles Lamb. A jogada de Dead Island não combina com a promessa do trailer, mas a ação-RPG do mundo aberto oferece um bom tempo de matança de zumbis, enquanto você embarca armas e tenta manter-se vivo em uma ilha paradisíaca, errada.
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Frank West retorna à ação de matança de zumbis em Dead Rising 2: Off The Record. O Reimagining Dead Rising 2 da Capcom vê o fotojornalista rude enfrentando uma série mais ampla de monstros, construindo novas armas, tirando fotos e, o melhor dos mais, misturando-a em um novo modo sandbox de mundo aberto. Stomping the undead é divertido e mdash, por um tempo e mdash, mas bugs e jogabilidade repetitiva manter Dead Rising 2 de alcançar a grandeza verdadeira.
Devil May Cry 4: edição especial.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition leva tudo o que fez o lançamento original da Capcom 2008 um impressionante jogo de ação e se expande. O jogo inclui o modo horde inimigo Legendary Dark Knight que foi adicionado à porta PC original, bem como três novos personagens reproduzíveis, visuais aprimorados e ajustes sutis de jogabilidade. Alguns dos aspectos mais fracos do lançamento original, como a campanha de história repetitiva, permanecem e mancham ligeiramente um título brilhantemente polido. Em geral, Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition é um jogo de ação de rock que vale a pena escolher os fãs da série e os amantes da ação.
A coleção da tarde da Disney.
% displayPrice% at% seller% A Disney Afternoon, o mega-popular bloco de animação dos anos 90, gerou algumas das melhores plataformas no Nintendo Entertainment System, graças ao desenvolvedor Capcom. E, 20 anos depois, esses jogos estão de volta à excelente coleção Disney Afternoon. Os seis jogos e mdash, os Cross-Rescue Rangers do Chip 'n, o Dale Rescue Rangers 2, o Darkwing Duck, o DuckTales, o DuckTales 2 e o TaleSpin & mdash, apresentam uma resolução nítida de 1080p, a capacidade de salvar o seu progresso a qualquer momento e um rebobinamento útil. característica que ajuda a combater as infames dificuldades associadas aos jogos da velha escola da Nintendo.
Far Cry Primal.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Com o Far Cry Primal, o desenvolvedor Ubisoft abandona todos os pretextos políticos e se concentra no que fez Far Cry se destacar de seus pares quando a série estreou: o sandbox do mundo aberto. Você joga como um caçador da Idade da Pedra chamado Takkar, e seu objetivo é garantir um refúgio seguro para o seu povo, a tribo Wenja errante, no reino pré-histórico de Oros. Combates corpo a corpo e companheiros de animais estabelecem Primal além dos últimos jogos do Far Cry e fazem a exploração se sentir muito mais pessoal e atraente. Mas sua história é mais simples e mais direta, então, se você estivesse esperando por vilões excêntricos e melodrama estranho, Primal pode deixar um pouco desapontado.
% displayPrice% at% seller% For Honor é um jogo de combate temático medieval tem dois rostos. Uma é uma esplêndida mistura multiplayer de batalhas de grande e pequena escala. A outra é uma campanha de jogador único esquecível que, infelizmente, requer uma conexão on-line. No entanto, para o combate estratégico da Honor, uma combinação resplandecente de posicionamento, estimulação, conscientização e otimista oportuno lê e mdash, levanta graciosamente todo o pacote do píer AAA medíocre que de outra forma poderia ter deslocado.
Planeta da liberdade.
% displayPreço% em% vendedor% O Freedom Planet do GalaxyTrail é um retro-platformer que parece e se sente como um jogo de mascote de 16 bits perdido há muito tempo. Os 14 níveis do Freedom Planet são grandes, coloridos e variados. Quase todos têm Sonic the Hedgehog estilo loops, rampas e saca-rolhas. Cada nível também apresenta seus próprios elementos únicos, como desaparecer blocos, chaves coloridas e chaves. Esses elementos soam como obstáculos de plataforma básicos, mas eles são tão bem trabalhados e diversificados que eles sempre se sentem frescos e não estão à sua frente. A desvantagem? Uma interpretação de brincadeira digna de voz.
Jet Set Radio.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Em 2000, a Sega nos deu uma olhada no futuro do funk com o Jet Set Radio, um jogo de ação cel-shaded que estrelou uma bela banda de maquinistas que marcaram paredes, lutaram contra delinquentes rivais e evitaram policiais de controle. Esta versão de PC atualizada flexiona gráficos de alta definição, entrevistas de desenvolvedores e todos os sinos e assobios que você esperaria de um jogo Steam. Dripping no estilo de hip-hop influenciado por manga e com uma das maiores trilhas sonoras já criadas para um videogame, o Jet Set Radio é um título que pertence à biblioteca de quem cria jogos de ação de ritmo acelerado, incrivelmente cativante músicas e cultura de rua.
Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Goichi Suda (também conhecido como Suda51) é o Robert Rodriguez da indústria de videogames. Os projetos japoneses de artesanato de desenvolvedores são conhecidos por seu estilo, edginess e violência, mas uma vez que você olha abaixo do folheado legal, o trabalho é exposto como uma experiência um tanto vazia, se divertida. Tal é o Killer Is Dead do Suda51: Nightmare Edition, um jogo Steam que mostra um assassino cibernéticamente melhorado chamado Mondo Zappa que mata vampiros, místicos e outras monstruosidades para uma agência governamental. Killer Is Dead goteja com o humor da marca comercial de Suda51, swag de caráter e ação acelerada, mas falta o design do nível assassino e elementos de suporte que elevariam o jogo ao topo do seu gênero.
Lego Batman 3: além de Gotham.
% displayPreço% em% vendedor% Lego Batman 3 da TT Games: Além de Gotham aperta em muitos serviços de fãs de DC Comics e tolice, mantendo uma abordagem caprichosa e simplista de sua ação e história. Se é o subtil tema de Superman de 1978 que toca quando o caped do-gooder está voando, ou Nightwing relembrando seus dias de companheiro, enquanto vomitando compulsivamente exclamações "sagradas", Lego Batman 3 está tão cheio de ovos de Páscoa que se sente como uma carta de amor para todos os DC Comics. A jogabilidade não se desvia muito da fórmula Lego familiar, mas a experiência é sólida, no entanto.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Lego Marvel Super Heroes é uma mistura quase perfeita de três grampos de infância maravilhosos: histórias em quadrinhos, videogames e, bem, Lego. Embebido em Marvel Comics, o Lego Marvel Super Heroes coloca os jogadores no papel de super-heróis e mdash, incluindo os Avengers, Fantastic Four e Spider-Man e mdash, que são encarregados de recuperar tiros cósmicos todos-poderosos antes de bandidos de primeira categoria, como Loki, Dr Doom, e Magneto colocam as mãos sobre eles. O jogo do mundo aberto apresenta divertidos desafios de ação e lágrimas ligeiras.
Mega Man Legacy Collection.
% displayPrice% at% seller% A Capcom, em colaboração com o Digital Eclipse, revisita o passado do Mega Man com um pacote que faz os seis jogos originais da NES Mega Man. Além de apresentar versões de alta definição dos clássicos jogos de 8 bits, a coleção contém novos desafios de teste, tabelas de classificação, replays de vídeo e arte de desenvolvedores. É uma das melhores compilações retro ao redor. Além da recente Rare Replay, a Mega Man Legacy Collection é a mais próxima a um jogo de vídeo equivalente à coleção Criterion que o meio viu. Se você é um fã de Mega Man, considere isso uma coleção obrigatória.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
% displayPrice% at% seller% A série Metal Gear Solid da Konami é conhecida por sua jogabilidade baseada em sigilo, mas seu spin-off, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, é um jogo de ação direto de hack-and-slash, estrelado por stooge-turned-badass, Raiden. O Developer Platinum Games agrupa o jogo com inúmeros prendas não associadas à versão original do console, incluindo aprimoramentos gráficos e três pacotes DLC que eram compras e mdash de console separados, tudo a um preço razoável. Em suma, se você gostou da versão do console da Revengeance, você também cavará esse, apesar do ângulo da câmera e da queda da taxa de quadros ocasionais.
Metal Slug 3.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Os jogos de vídeo Run-and-gun têm uma longa história de fãs emocionantes com ação de alta octanagem, shoot-everything-that-move, mas poucos melhoram do que o Metal Slug do SNK Playmore. Originalmente lançado para a plataforma Neo Geo em 2000, o aclamado Metal Slug 3 apareceu em quase todos os consoles e dispositivos de mão desde então, e agora está disponível para PCs. Neste título, você controla os soldados adoráveis e armados que defendem a Terra de uma invasão alienígena usando armas, lançadores de foguete e os tanques epónimos de Metal Slug. Metal Slug 3 é uma obra-prima de gênero devido aos seus gráficos cartoony (e hiper-violentos) encantadores, desafios difíceis de usar, armas criativas e design de nível variado.
Rise of the Tomb Raider.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Fresco e de olhos arregalados de suas façanhas no Japão, o jovem e ambicioso explorador Lara Croft é confrontado com um culto de zelotes fanáticos em busca da imortalidade. Rise of the Tomb Raider apresenta mais peças espectaculares, combates poderosos e enigmas difíceis que fizeram a reinicialização do Tomb Raider 2018 tão bem recebida tanto pelos críticos como pelos fãs. Os fãs da série podem ter uma sensação distinta de d & eacute; j & agrave; vu ao executar os cenários de jogabilidade de estilo semelhante e as seções de plataformas, mas Rise of the Tomb Raider é um título sólido de ação e aventura.
Shadow Complex Remastered.
% displayPrice% at% seller% O Shadow Complex original é um jogo de plataforma-aventura 2.5D que se tornou um clássico de culto Xbox 360 graças à sua jogabilidade rápida e pesada. O título desde então recebeu o tratamento remaster, o que dá aos gráficos amados do jogo atualizado, novos ataques contextuais de combate corpo a corpo e desafios mestres. A trama do jogo de corrida e arma e a atuação de voz não combinam com o resto do pacote estelar, mas se você pode ignorar esses maus, você encontrará um excelente título que vale bem o preço de US $ 14,99.
Shock Troopers.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Se você tem a coitada de "Eu quero esmagar todas as ameaças para a república" que surgiu nos últimos dias, faça um favor e jogue os Shock Troopers da SNK. Este jogo de ação de corrida e arma o impede de salvar um gênio da biotecnologia da organização terrorista Bloody Scorpion, entrando em batalha usando um único soldado (modo Lonely Wolf) ou um esquadrão de três pessoas (modo Team Battle). Armas legais, níveis divertidos baseados em veículos, caminhos de ramificação e jogo cooperativo fazem para um muito divertido, G. I. Experiência parecida com Joe.
Shovel Knight.
% displayPrice% at% seller% As plataformas de indie de "side-scrolling side-back" de 8 bits inundaram o mercado de videogames e é fácil descontar todo o gênero como um cash-in fácil de desenvolver na nostalgia. Depois, há Shovel Knight dos Yacht Club Games, um estúdio criado pelo ex-diretor da WayForward Technologies, Sean Velasco. Você joga como um cavaleiro de palha que deve resgatar seu parceiro, Shield Knight, de inimigos aborrecidos. É um jogo de plataformas incrivelmente satisfatório e experiente que lembra jogos como DuckTales e Mega Man, mas também tem alguns dos gráficos mais autênticos do estilo NES para aparecer na era HD.
Sonic Mania.
Sonic Mania é, para todos os efeitos, o verdadeiro Sonic the Hedgehog 4, descontando o jogo poligonal intensamente medíocre que apareceu na última geração do console. A Sonic Mania adere-se à clássica jogada Sonic de correr muito rápido através de loops e stratttaways enquanto você coleciona anéis de ouro que preservam a vida, despacha inimigos e fuzzballs capturados gratuitamente de máquinas inimigas. Nesse nível, Sonic Mania é muito parecido com os títulos Sonic baseados em sprite que vieram antes dele. Dito isto, problemas de DRM e estágios de bônus mal projetados roubam um pouco de seu brilho.
Tembo O elefante de Badass.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Tembo a história do elefante de Badass ocorre em Shell City, uma cidade populosa que está mergulhada em um estado de emergência por uma força do mal chamada The Phantom. O Exército Nacional é incapaz de conter a destruição do Fantasma, por isso alista o auxílio de um velho amigo de guerra, o elefante semelhante a Rambo, conhecido como Tembo, para afastar as tropas inimigas. O jogo é freqüentemente comparado aos jogos Sonic the Hedgehog de 16 bits, já que é publicado pela Sega e apresenta um personagem principal implacavelmente rápido que oblitera inimigos. No entanto, o desenvolvedor Game Freak (da fama do Pokemon) também implementou elementos de franquias clássicas, como o Super Mario Bros. e o Donkey Kong Country, para criar uma plataforma de ação e aventura 2D bem arrumada que se distingue dos títulos que a inspiram.
Transformers: Devastation.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Transformers: Devastation, pelo desenvolvedor Platinum Games, é um lutador rápido que combina combate explosivo com visuais nostálgicos e sem sombra de coração que recordam a programação da década de 1980. A devastação é razoavelmente passada pelos padrões dos Platinum Games, mas empresta mecanismos de jogabilidade de outros jogos na biblioteca do desenvolvedor para criar um beat-'em-up agradável. Um sistema de fabricação de armas mantém você voltando para equipamentos mais sofisticados, e as maiores dificuldades e desafios proporcionam ao título um valor de repetição. Ainda melhor, Devastation reúne muitos dos atores de voz sobreviventes do toon original dos Transformers, incluindo Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), Dan Gilvezan (Bumblebee) e Frank Weller (Megatron, Soundwave).
Melhores Jogos de Aventura.
Voltar ao futuro: o jogo.
% displayPrice% at% seller% Historicamente, os videogames baseados em franquias populares de filmes tendem a ser decepcionantes. É raro quando um jogo como o GoldenEye 007 da N64 oferece aos tiros de tenda do estúdio o tratamento adequado. Telltale Games 'Back to the Future: The Game se junta a esse título ilustre, fornecendo uma história que não só respeita os filmes em que se baseia, mas também se mostra tão atraente e envolvente que pode servir como um quarto quarto não oficial no clássico Franqueio de Bob Gale e Robert Zemeckis.
Batman: The Telltale Series.
% displayPrice% at% seller% O gênero de jogo de aventura de ponto e clique tem um ressurgimento na popularidade desde que o Telltale Games começou a combinar suas excelentes coxas de histórias com populares propriedades de quadrinhos. Mas é Batman: The Telltale Series que realmente mostra o que o desenvolvedor pode fazer quando combina uma licença focada na ação com sua fórmula bem sucedida baseada na história. O jogo entrega o trabalho fisticuffs, gadgetry e detetive que você esperaria da personalidade mascarada de Bruce Wayne, enquanto mais uma vez lhe daria a opção de moldar a narrativa de maneira ampla e sutil.
D4: Sonhos escuros não morrem.
% displayPreço% em% vendedor% Estudante de cinema virou o designer de videogames Hidetaka "Swery" Suehiro usa suas influências em sua manga. Última geração, o autor do videogame foi a força motriz por trás do bizarro, Twin Peaks - Incompativel Deadly Premonition; now his special brand of storytelling insanity graces the PC in the form of another oddball, David Lynch-like murder mystery called D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. It tells the story of a widower, detective David Young, who is obsessed with unearthing the events that led to the death of his wife, Little Peggy. The game—with its supernatural elements, quirky characters, and compelling investigative gameplay—is one that should not be missed.
Game of Thrones.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Telltale Games' Game of Thrones parallels the HBO show, establishing some tenets that fans of the series have long since come to embrace. The realm of Westeros is cruel and harsh, and very little is sacred when nobility and madmen make a move for power. There is an obvious history and weight to the events leading up to this game that can be intimidating for newcomers, but the crux of the conflict is more centralized and concise.
The Walking Dead: Season One.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Based on Robert Kirkman's popular comic book series, The Walking Dead: Season One combines the zombie apocalypse with Telltale Games' unique brand of accessible adventure game storytelling. You play as Lee, an ex-con who protects an orphaned child, Clementine, from the evils of zombie and man, alike. Much like its source material, The Walking Dead is an emotional rollercoaster filled with memorable characters and scenarios.
The Wolf Among Us.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The Wolf Among Us, a game that's a canonical prequel to Bill Willingham's popular Fables comic book series, features a well-written story, light puzzle-solving challenges, and reflex-testing Quick Time Event (QTE) sequences. The visually striking title draws inspiration from film noir cinema, while keeping the heavy black outlines and bright colors associated with its source material. The murder-mystery isn't particularly challenging, but if you want to spend a few hours in an immersive world filled with interesting characters and top-notch voice acting, The Wolf Among Us should find a home in your PC gaming library.
Best Fighting Games.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Iron Galaxy Studios' Divekick is the most hipster game ever created. It's the product of the indie scene, and it mercilessly parodies fighting games and their diehard community, yet demands that you be part of the underground circle to fully get all of the references and in-jokes. It's also a lot of fun if you open your mind to the insane concept of a one-on-one fighter based almost entirely on the idea of jumping and kicking.
Garou: Mark of the Wolves.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Upon its 1999 release, Garou: Mark of the Wolves—a surprisingly deep and visually stunning entry in the long-running Fatal Fury series—was hailed as SNK's wondrous response to Capcom's Street Fighter III. Nearly 20 years later, SNK has finally given the 1 vs. 1 fighting game the proper PC treatment by releasing it with numerous additional graphics options, leaderboards, and online versus play. The result is an excellent PC game that boasts beautiful animation, Just Defend parries, and the strategic T. O.P. sistema.
Guilty Gear Xrd - Sign-
%displayPrice% at %seller% Guilty Gear is a niche series within a niche genre, one that's enjoyed a cult following since its first appearance in 1998. With Xrd - Sign-, developer Arc System Works ditches the series' 2D sprites in favor of 3D cel-shaded graphics in an attempt to expand its audience. Likewise, series creator Daisuke Ishiwatari sought a more approachable play style that maintained the depth and high skill ceiling that long-time Guilty Gear fans love. The result is a feature-packed fighting game that boasts incredible graphics and deep mechanics. Unfortunately, it arrived on PC after many Guilty Gear fans had moved on to the next game in the series: Guilty Gear Xrd - Revelator-. So, like The Last Blade, Guilty Gear Xrd - Sign - is a game that's worth buying if you don't mind local play and the lack of online competition.
Killer Instinct.
%displayPrice% at %seller% When Killer Instinct debuted for Windows 10 in March 2018, it represented the latest chapter in the continued PC fighting game renaissance. With its arrival, Microsoft's combo-heavy, one-on-one game of fisticuffs joined the likes of Guilty Gear, The King of Fighters, Street Fighter, and other high-profile series that now grace the personal computer. Thankfully, Iron Galaxy—the development team that picked up the Killer Instinct reins after Double Helix, the original developer, was purchased by Amazon—has delivered a remarkably fun, season-based title that's more than worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as its competition.
The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match Final Edition.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The King of Fighters '98 is widely regarded as one of the best fighting games ever made, so it's no surprise that developer SNK Playmore has returned to the title many times since the game's original release. In 2008, SNK Playmore celebrated the game's tenth anniversary by porting the team-based fighter to the PlayStation 2 as The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match, a game loaded with extra characters, stages, and gameplay modes. Now, a tweaked Ultimate Match is available for PCs as The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match Final Edition, a game that rebalances the massive 64-character roster and adds Steam trading cards and achievements. Final Edition's gameplay retains its predecessor's wonderfully deep and flexible fighting mechanics, but it's missing features that were present in the beloved PS2 version.
The King of Fighters XIII: Steam Edition.
%displayPrice% at %seller% One of the most impressive sprite-based games ever created, The King of Fighters XIII: Steam Edition brings SNK Playmore's excellent 3-on-3 2D fighter to the PC via Valve's digital distribution platform. If you've rumbled with friends and foes in the version that appeared on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms, you'll feel right at home here: the intricate combat mechanics, gorgeous graphics, and up-tempo music are successfully ported over to this Steam game. Even better, The King of Fighters XIII: Steam Edition contains all of the console DLC, the King of Fighters XIII: Climax arcade features, and PC-centric graphics options.
The Last Blade.
%displayPrice% at %seller% SNK put weapons-based 2D fighting on the map with 1993's delightful Samurai Shodown, but the developer went on to refine the idea of sword combat four years later in a somewhat lesser-known Neo Geo title: The Last Blade. Recently released to the Steam platform with several contemporary bells and whistles, The Last Blade ($9.99) boasts excellent swordplay, a dozen exquisitely designed characters, and a gorgeous anime - and manga-style presentation that make its 19th-century Japanese setting one of the most beautiful in fighting-game history. Genre fans shouldn't hesitate to pick up this excellent PC fighting game, but the barren online play means most matches will take place locally.
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has taken its fair share of flack since its reveal, and the venom is not at all unwarranted. The initial trailer for the tag-team fighting game featured dull, washed-out graphics, and Capcom highlighted the new novice-friendly, auto-combo options that are designed to help casuals bust out cool-looking moves in an otherwise hardcore genre. As a result, fight fans were highly skeptical of the game. Fortunately, sentiments toward Infinite changed dramatically upon the game's release. The Infinity Stone hook and the move to 2 vs. 2 action make Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite an incredibly fighting to play in both casual and hardcore sessions. Still, the roster, which features many intriguing characters locked behind DLC paywalls or ignored due to brand wars, needs some work.
Mortal Kombat XL.
%displayPrice% at %seller% When NetherRealm Studios released Mortal Kombat X to consoles in 2018, the game continued to evolve via free and paid updates that added characters, balanced the roster, and improved online play. However, the High Voltage Studios-ported PC game received zero post-launch support, much to the dismay of hardcore Mortal Kombat fans. Thankfully, that changed with the Mortal Kombat XL update, a version of MKX that finally gives PC gamers all the extras that console-based fight fans have enjoyed for some time now. We dislike the idea of paying more money for PC content released long after the console version, but it's hard not to love the additions, which include even more fighters, stages, costumes, and gore.
Skullgirls 2nd Encore.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Skullgirls 2nd Encore, the update to Reverge Labs' critically acclaimed original game, takes cues from many highly regarded fighting titles and blends it with the series' cartoony, art deco style. The indie fighter has a Capcom vs. SNK-style ratio system that lets you select up to three characters to battle up to three rival characters, as well as a Marvel vs. Capcom-style assist system. That said, Skullgirls 2nd Encore's graphics aren't all that separate it from the competition. The fighter also has a built-in system that automatically stops infinites, those annoying and abusive combos that never end.
Street Fighter V.
%displayPrice% at %seller% In February 2018, Capcom's newest one-on-one fighting game arrived on PC with many flaws that detracted from the stellar gameplay, including awful server instability, no true single-player mode, and a surprisingly limited multiplayer Battle Lounge. However, several updates have since addressed many of those issues and added new playable characters. The fixes, combined with new and classic characters, fresh and returning fight systems (like the cool V-Skills and V-Triggers), and cross-platform play with PlayStation 4 owners, finally make Street Fighter V a game to pick up even for gamers who don't have Evo dreams.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Tekken 7, like the main-line Tekken games that came before it, is a tale of fathers and sons attempting to murder each other to purge the Mishima clan from the Devil Gene, a magical DNA bit that transforms certain people into hell spawn. Touted as the conclusion of the Mishima drama, Tekken 7 reveals secrets and leaves cliffhangers, thus simultaneously answering long-standing questions and prompting the fan base to ask new ones. Thankfully, the wonderfully ridiculous tale is bolstered by some of the best mechanics featured in contemporary fighting games, with the new Power Crush, Rage Arts, and Rage Drive attacks deftly blending into the established mix.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 pits Marvel's superheroes against Capcom's video game characters in a frantic brawl. The 48-character headcount is impressive, but it's the individual characters that truly make the game shine. Marvel's side has several popular fighters, such as Captain America, Iron Man, and Spider-Man, as well as once-obscure characters that have gained recognition thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Doctor Strange and Rocket Raccoon. Capcom's side is comprised mainly of characters from the company's fighting and action games, including Final Fight's Mike Haggar and Street Fighter's Ryu.
Ultra Street Fighter IV.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Ultra Street Fighter IV marks the fourth version of Street Fighter IV and the third version available on the Steam platform. This final iteration of the one-on-one fighting game adds five new characters, six new stages, a YouTube upload option, and a host of gameplay tweaks. It's Street Fighter IV's best and meatiest update, though some balance and DLC issues prove a bit irritating. Still, Ultra Street Fighter IV is an excellent competitive fighter with strong netcode.
Best Horror Games.
Alien: Isolation.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Alien: Isolation may be the best Alien - based game ever made. Instead of using James Cameron's action-focused Aliens as its foundation, as so many video game developers have done in the past, Creative Assembly looked at Ridley Scott's original 1979 film for inspiration. And it pays off. Rather than focusing on running and gunning, Alien: Isolation is all about evasion and subterfuge. Though you gain some assistance via radio, you, as the daughter of Ellen Ripley, must navigate a world of survival horror on your own, dodging the alien stalker using your wits, the environment, and the tools you craft. Alien: Isolation is smart, dark, and oppressive in all the right ways.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Some of the scariest video game moments are derived from developers preying on our simplest fears. It isn't hordes of enemies rushing at you, or creepies jumping at you from closets. Far scarier is what loneliness does to the human psyche, as you struggle to retain your own sanity when you can't tell what's real and what's just a projection of your own insecurities. It's also helplessly running from danger, while watching your last drops of breathable air trickle away. This is the terror that Narcosis for Oculus Rift forces you to deal with in a dread-filled undersea environment. It's an absolutely frightening PC game, though one a bit light on content and competent AI enemies.
Resident Evil HD Remaster.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Nearly 20 years after its debut, Resident Evil returns as an HD remaster of the 2002 GameCube remake of the 1996 original. Resident Evil HD Remaster brings the remake back from the dead by unshackling the game from Nintendo's console and bringing it to PC. However, Capcom had some trouble during the transition to HD. The remake's gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds and video cutscenes were difficult to update for the modern era of widescreen displays and maxed-out resolutions. As a result, there's a mish-mash of uneven quality backgrounds, many of them inferior to the GameCube originals. Don't let that deter you, though. Resident Evil HD Remaster is still a great zombie-blasting game, even if it is a little worse for the wear.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.
%displayPrice% at %seller% If you thought the Resident Evil series lost its way when it shifted to gunplay, you must pick up Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. By slowing down the action and changing the perspective, developer Capcom has created a Resident Evil game that captures the dread that filled the original game. The excellent pacing, thoughtful action, and amazing atmosphere—you explore a depraved family's home in the Louisiana bayou—result in the best horror game to come along in some time.
Best MMO Games.
Blade & Soul.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Blade & Soul is a highly stylized Korean MMORPG inspired by martial arts and Asian mythology. The free-to-play game stands out from other MMO titles in the market thanks to the blend of combo-centric action, lush Asian fantasy locales, and bombastic artwork by manhwa artist Hyung-Tae Kim. The combat is amazingly well balanced for both PvE and PvP, and the game looks great and runs well. A desvantagem? Blade & Soul has a relatively unimpressive questing and leveling system, and most of its dungeons are quite linear. Nonetheless, there is a lot to enjoy with what's launched so far.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Although many games based on anime franchises exist, they're usually basic action or fighting games that lack depth and are created solely to pander to their fan bases. Enter the free-to-play Onigiri, a third-person, action-focused MMORPG. Onigiri is an enjoyable, highly customizable anime-meets-gaming experience that lets you mix it up with other online players. Despite its simple graphics and ho-hum music, Onigiri is worth checking out if you want to explore a virtual world that boasts thrilling combat and excellent voice acting.
Star Wars: The Old Republic.
%displayPrice% at %seller% For the uninitiated, The Old Republic is an MMO that takes place thousands of years prior to the events of A New Hope . This gives the developer, Bioware, the freedom to craft an exciting new story, such as the recently released Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion that's set within the established Star Wars universe. This liberty, combined with Bioware's wonderfully dynamic dialogue system, thrilling combat, and extremely generous free-to-play model, has produced a truly epic MMO that shines as one of the genre's defining titles.
World of Warcraft.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Blizzard's World of Warcraft is a MMORPG that has evolved into a cultural icon over the past 12 years. The list of accolades that WoW has accumulated since its release is simply staggering. While it is certainly not the first or only entry in this particular genre, WoW is the standard by which all other MMOs are judged. The game, bolstered by many expansions and a recent visual makeover, is a rich and rewarding experience that boasts a large selection of customizable races and classes battling in a fantasy world.
Best MOBA Games.
%displayPrice% at %seller% "Easy to learn, hard to master" is a phrase commonly heard in gaming circles, but few titles exemplify the idea more than Defense of the Ancients 2 (Dota 2). This free-to-play MOBA game tasks you with selecting one of 111 playable Heroes to take to the battlefield, utilizing the character's unique abilities, play style, and attributes to help your team achieve victory. Dota 2 lacks Paragon's graphical flair, and it doesn't have Smite's many unique play modes, but it is the best and most balanced MOBA on PC.
League of Legends.
%displayPrice% at %seller% League of Legends, Riot Games' free-to-play, multiplayer online battle arena title is, simply put, the best MOBA game you can buy. Its gameplay incorporates elements of role playing, tower defense, and real-time strategy—a combination that differentiates it from the many cookie cutter MOBAs flooding the market. More importantly, the playable characters (known as Champions) show a deep level of variation, and each match's competition level increases as the game sinks you deeper and deeper into addiction.
%displayPrice% at %seller% If you've ever dreamed of being a powerful god who battles other gods, check out the free-to-play Smite. Hi-Rez Studios' action-focused MOBA puts you in the role of a deity chosen from among the Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Japanese, Mayan, Norse, and Roman pantheons in a war for godly supremacy. Smite is an excellent, fast-paced PC game with numerous game modes and an ever-expanding character roster. However, recurring server issues, the lack of cross-platform play, and other issues prevent the game from achieving true godhood.
Best Puzzle Games.
Bejeweled 3.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Bejeweled 3, when compared to its predecessors, is a gold rush of new features and enhancements. Skeptics who previously found little appeal in gem-swapping will enjoy new objective-oriented modes, be it saving butterflies, digging for gold, shattering ice, or concealing a poker hand. Bejeweled 3 doesn't remake the franchise, but that isn't the aim. For the millions who already enjoy it on computers, websites, and mobile phones, Bejeweled 3 polishes an already shining gem.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Few video games receive perfect scores here at PCMag, but Inside is a title that qualifies as damn-near flawless. The action-adventure title features, at its core, a boy navigating a dark and deadly world. To go too deep into Inside's structure would both spoil the game and do it a disservice. Trust us: It's worth a pick up.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Papo & Yo, a puzzle-platformer from Minority, crossed over to PC from PlayStation Network with grace and style. This tale of a boy and a monster takes places in an imaginative world filled with South American-style houses, reason-defying physics, and a heartfelt story that explores the relationship between a child and an alcoholic, abusive parent.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Valve's original Portal was noteworthy for its witty and acerbic dialogue, creativity in blending the previously incompatible brain-teasing-puzzle-game and first-person-shooter genres, and relative shortness. With Portal 2, Valve has left intact the first quality, expanded and elaborated on the second, and done a bit to address the third. What this adds up to is a sequel that stands up proudly to the original, updating the characteristics that made it a distinctive success without dulling their memory. Limited multiplayer and post-campaign options slightly diminish the replay factor, but in almost every way Portal 2 is just as amusing and exhilarating as its predecessor.
Quantum Conundrum.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The video game industry is dominated by space marines, regular marines, super-soldiers, and zombie-killers—the headshots and gun-blasts permeate the business. That's why it's particularly nice to see a clever title like Airtight Games and Square Enix's Quantum Conundrum, a project from Portal designer Kim Swift. The first-person puzzle game focuses on solving increasingly challenging puzzles using a dimension-shifting tool within a mansion filled with wacky inventions.
Scribblenauts Unlimited.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Scribblenauts Unlimited, 5th Cell's latest word-adventure title, lets creative gamers use a magic notebook to summon a wild array of items—from the mundane to the extravagant—as they attempt to reverse a spell that's turning their in-game sister, Lily, into stone. It's a very basic plot that kickstarts the action, but Scribblenauts Unlimited excels at sparking imagination as you attempt to solve puzzles. It's one the wordsmiths and imaginauts will love.
The Swapper.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Imagine a game soup flavored with chunky bits of old school 2D Castlevania, Portal, and BioShock, and you still wouldn't get close to describing The Swapper. The game's not quite a platformer; it's a puzzle game, packaged with a brooding sci-fi story set in space. Finnish company Facepalm Games delivers a fascinating, memorable exploration title that can sustain at least two plays through because of multiple endings and achievements.
Best Racing & Sports Games.
Baseball Stars 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% There aren't many baseball games on PC, but Baseball Stars 2 stands out among the few that made it to the big leagues. The classic SNK sports title doesn't flaunt a MLB license or strive to be a super-realistic simulation. Instead, Baseball Stars 2 is old-school baseball fun, with simple controls, oodles of charm, and incredible cut scenes that highlight tense moments (like punching a pitcher in the face after he hurls a bean ball).
Fire Pro Wrestling World.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Fire Pro Wrestling World sees the series return to excellent form after the embarrassment that was the avatar-based, Xbox 360-exclusive Fire Pro Wrestling. World has all of the elements that comprise a great Fire Pro game—excellent creation tools, a ridiculously deep moveset, tight controls—and adds online play and Steam Workshop integration. Fire Pro Wrestling World is a slick package even in unfinished form (it's a Steam Early Access title), which should have Yuke's Co Ltd. and Visual Concept's WWE 2K18 shaking in its wrasslin' boots.
Forza Horizon 3.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Crafting a racing game that deftly rides the line between pure arcade action and hardcore simulation is an incredibly difficult task, as a developer risks alienating fans of both play styles. Playground Games has, however, somehow managed to pull it off once again, this time with Forza Horizon 3, a ridiculously addictive racing game that represents the series' first appearance as a PC game, courtesy of Microsoft's Xbox Play Anywhere initiative. The Australian setting gives the development team a cool box of toys to play with, as Oz's climate and beautifully rugged landscape mix well with the series' trademark fast cars, open-world exploration, and reckless driving. Forza Horizon 3 is a resplendent racing game that celebrates car culture and youthful festival energy, but its frame-rate hiccups mar an otherwise excellent racing experience.
Mutant Football League.
%displayPrice% at %seller%Football is a bad sport. Yes, it's beloved by millions, but the concussions that result from giants hurling themselves at each other are an undeniable problem. The sport is much more enjoyable in video game form, especially arcade-style football, which lets you perform superhuman feats without annoying flags or hideous injuries. Digital Dream Entertainment's Mutant Football League literally plays by that ruleset by pitting skeletons, robots, orcs, aliens, and mutated humans against each other in not-so-friendly gridiron contests featuring landmines and cheat plays. Mutant Football League is definitely worth playing, and not because it's the rare American football PC game; it's legitimately good, despite some annoying dirty tricks.
NBA Playgrounds.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Arcade-style basketball games have been sidelined from the gaming scene for some time. Outside of the 2018 NBA Jam reboot and its 2018 On Fire Edition update, there have been slim pickings for sportsballers craving physics-defying dunks and full-court jumpers that are all net. Saber Interactive brings that fun to PC with NBA Playgrounds, a b-ball game that builds on its predecessors' foundations, adding its own flavor via over-the-top gameplay and a delightful scoring system and power-up mechanic. A few flaws prevent it from entering the sports game hall of fame, but this 2 vs. 2 basketball title is constantly evolving, thanks to numerous updates that have remedied many of the title's initial woes.
Out Of The Park Baseball 2018.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Fans of America's favorite pastime only have two worthwhile video game selections in the Steam store: Out Of The Park Baseball 2018 and Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings. Unlike Super Mega Baseball, a cartoonish, action-based take on the sport, Out Of The Park Baseball is a numbers-driven, hardcore management game that carries the official Major League Baseball license. With its deep rosters, incredible number of managerial options, and news reports, it's one of the best baseball games you'll find on PC.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Long seen as the lesser alternative to EA Sports' FIFA franchise, Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer has seen something of a resurgence the past few years on the strength of its on-pitch play. Pro Evolution is a more realistic representation of how the beautiful game is played. It's a fluid and dynamic simulation on the field, giving you the animations, control, and tools to score a wide variety of goals, but has many caveats regarding licenses, poor menus, and visuals. Stay tuned for our full review of the latest FIFA title.
Ridge Racer Unbounded.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The Ridge Racer series may not carry Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport's swagger, but the long-running franchise has a dedicated fan base that loves the drift-centric racing action. This entry, crafted by Bugbear Entertainment, brings a chaotic element to the familiar gameplay by adding environmental and vehicular destruction as you race for street cred in the fictional Shatter Bay. The story is something you can flat out ignore—it's a racing game, after all—but the driving action is interesting and varied. Just play against human opponents if you wish to maintain your sanity.
Rocket League.
%displayPrice% at %seller% There are few video games that drop all dark and portentous pretenses and give you a straightforward, honest-to-goodness game. Rocket League is one such title. It blends the charm of RC racing with the heated competition of soccer, and adds plenty of over-the-top spectacle to keep every match interesting. Rocket League is just as fun during your first hour as it is during your twentieth; there are very few multiplayer games that utilize addictive simplicity as effectively. It even supports cross-platform play with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gamers.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Do you crave a game in which you drive fast cars and cause mass destruction? Framed around a fictional reality television program, Split/Second merges arcade-style racing and huge, environment-wrecking explosions to form an addictive, thrilling racer that will keep you hugging corners, jockeying for position, and downing jumbo jets well into the night. That said, Split/Second is not without flaws: The online servers are dead, there's some screen tearing, and the game could benefit from additional environments. Still, if you're looking for a PC racing game that isn't aimed at the Top Gear crowd, Split/Second is a PC game you'll want in your Steam library.
Best RPG & Roguelike Games.
Dark Souls II.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Dark Souls returns to the PC, and it's every bit as terrifying as you may have heard. Don't worry, Dark Souls II avoids the missteps of its predecessor's infamous port, allowing you to focus on the rich, gloomy action-RPG world and fantastic, unforgiving gameplay. Dark Souls II is a relentless barrage of demonic enemies and enraging boss encounters that will test your reflexes—and your patience. This is not a game for the faint of heart or quick of temper, so clear your desk of ceramics, take the framed pictures off the walls, and prepare to enter the dark world of Drangleic.
Dark Souls III.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Dark Souls III is developer From Software's return to the Souls series after the eldritch madness that was Bloodborne. In fact, the newest Souls game incorporates gameplay and design elements from virtually all of the team's recent titles. As a result, the gorgeous and action-packed Dark Souls III feels highly familiar, yet fresh and content-rich at the same time. Like all of From Software's launches, however, the game is in need of a few patches to adjust weapon balance. Nonetheless, Dark Souls III is easily one of the best games in the series.
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Blizzard seems to be one of the few companies committed to sticking with old-school expansions for its games and not just DLC packs. World of Warcraft received several large, and full-priced expansions, as did Diablo III, with Reaper of Souls. The add-on contains a good chunk of content that, with some much-needed tweaks to the base Diablo III, make the whole game feel fresh and fun.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is a single-player RPG, with action-driven gameplay akin to Capcom's Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter franchises. It draws inspiration from classic fables and myths, setting the game in a world burdened with the return of a destructive red dragon. Its combat is flashy and engaging, and the open-world environments are rich with detail, but the quest-driven plot and sparse character development weaken what would be an otherwise interesting story. The RPG leveling stalls combat, as well, so you won't fight at your full potential until you've leveled your class sufficiently. These issues may turn off less patient players, but those hoping for a grand, long-lived adventure across an action-packed open world will find plenty to discover and enjoy.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series has consistently been on the front lines of RPG immersion, giving you ever bigger and more elaborate realms to explore. The quantum strides made in Morrowind (2002) and Oblivion (2006) continue in Skyrim, which provides the most delicious perspective to date on this fascinating world over which you have almost complete control. It's no challenge to set yourself up as a warrior, a wizard, or a pickpocketing miscreant, of either gender, of any of ten species, and with just the physical and facial characteristics you desire.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster bundles the celebrated tenth installment of the main Final Fantasy series, and its sequel, into one stellar role-playing game package that Square Enix fans will adore. Both role-playing games boast graphical overhauls that enhance the beauty of their worlds and newly added features not found in the console versions. Ain't PC gaming grand?
Mass Effect: Andromeda.
%displayPrice% at %seller% With Mass Effect: Andromeda, developer BioWare promised a game that would feature a compelling story, fantastic visuals, tight gameplay, and hot alien romance—unfortunately, the action-RPG delivers on only a few of those fronts. On the upside, the space opera has several sizable open-world environments to explore and a thrilling combat system. On the downside, it has infamously awkward animations, tedious menus, and performance issues. Nonetheless, if you're looking to blast aliens with zany space magic or woo an exotic space lady or gentleman, Mass Effect: Andromeda is a game that has some entertaining elements that are worth your time.
Mass Effect 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The BioWare-developed Mass Effect 2 picks up exactly where the original space opera left off. In fact, one of the great things about this RPG, beside the incredible character development, is that you can upload your character from last game directly into this one. In terms of fresh features, there's a new cover system, and a revamped health recovery system lets you heal most wounds by camping out of harm's way. Although Mass Effect 2 is much more shooter-like than the original, role-playing is still at the game's core.
Mass Effect 3.
%displayPrice% at %seller% When the fate of the galaxy is in your hands, how often does it feel like it's really in your hands? It does in Mass Effect 3. Picking up where Mass Effect 2 left off, Mass Effect 3 thrusts you back into the persona of Commander Shepard, who's standing at the brink of one of the most daunting challenges ever. He's tasked with nothing less than rescuing the Earth, and the entire Milky Way, from the clutches of the all-consuming Reapers that are threatening them as never before. Packed with action, character development, and customizability that transcend what you find in most games, Mass Effect 3 is an entertaining and frequently engrossing trip into the psychology of helplessness, if one that doesn't realize all of its towering ambitions.
Nier: Automata.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Nier: Automata is an action-RPG developed by Platinum Games, the studio behind the Bayonetta games, and directed by Yoko Taro, the creator of the Drakengard series and the original Nier. Platinum Games' previous works excel on the gameplay front, but their stories are generally campy schlock. Taro's games, on the other hand, are brilliantly depressing stories tied together with weak gameplay. Nier: Automata is a marriage of Platinum Games' intense action combat and Taro's wacky, yet somber storytelling, and is easily one of the better games released in 2017, thanks to the hot android-on-robot combat. Unfortunately, Nier: Automata suffers from some technical issues. A lack of developer support compounds this, so you'll need to rely on fan-made patches if you want to get the very best performance out of the game.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Nioh is Team Ninja's first attempt at an action-RPG, and it shares a few superficial similarities with From Software's influential Dark Souls games. The player-summoning cooperative gameplay, corpse-run death system, shortcut-rich levels, and enemy-respawning checkpoints will all feel familiar to Dark Soul aficionados. However, Nioh is very much its own beast, and is filled with highly technical action and stronger narrative elements than the Souls titles. This Complete Edition includes the original console game, as well as all of the DLC content, so newcomers have dozens of hours of action to master. Perhaps to the game's detriment, Nioh has a mountain of systems that new players must learn before they can tackle the higher difficulties. Still, Nioh won't disappoint gamers hungry for a rich and immersive action game.
%displayPrice% at %seller% RymdResa is a fascinating PC game that features a narrative structure, music, and environments that play out like an art-house drama. While drifting through the emptiness of space, collecting resources and materials to survive, your character occasionally drops poetry gems via diary entries, while reflecting on the loneliness that vastness represents—as well as the depression, hope, and desire that comes with it. RymdResa features nearly zero in-game interactions, but the roguelike adventure game uses a single character and simple graphics to dissect the human psyche in a story that flirts with the possibility that we are one with the universe in more ways than we imagine.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
%displayPrice% at %seller% It isn't very often a game comes along that presents a setting and story as unapologetically risqué as South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Naturally, The Stick of Truth fans know exactly what they're getting themselves into: topical, highly satirical, and utterly absurd South Park comedy that's paired with a deep, grid-based RPG combat system. It's a refreshing RPG, if only because the gameplay, hard language, ridiculous scenarios, and show references keep you smiling until the end. Fractured slips up once in a while; the superhero-themed exploration elements utilize some highly tedious menu switching and quick time event (QTE) mechanics, and the game is surprisingly buggy. However, if you can look past these issues, you're in for an enjoyable time.
Wasteland 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Wasteland 2 is a return to the classic computer RPG conventions that have been largely absent in the contemporary gaming scene. CRPGs have seen a recent resurgence with the release of Divinity: Original Sin and Shadowrun, and developer InXile Entertainment has followed suit with a proper sequel to its 1988 classic. The core of any good CRPG is choice, and Wasteland 2 embraces this wholeheartedly. You can either choose from a list of premade characters or create a more specialized and customized party by allocating skill points and attributes. There is no single protagonist; instead, you control a party of Desert Rangers. Wasteland 2 isn't without flaws, however. The combat in particular is a tad underwhelming, but it's still an enjoyable return to post-apocalyptic Arizona and California.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the final installment in CD Projekt Red's action-RPG series. Geralt of Rivia sets out one last time to slay beasts, collect bounties, and protect the child of destiny. CD Projekt Red changes the game formula by introducing a massive, open world filled with monsters to hunt and quests to undertake. But it also greatly improves the series' combat by making alchemy more accessible and tightening the action controls. The rich story narrative that drives the game is rife with tragedy, folkloric horror, humor, and intrigue, keeping you on your toes every step of the way.
Xanadu Next.
%displayPrice% at %seller% "Simplicity" is the word that best suits Xanadu Next. The action-RPG is an unabashedly uncomplicated game that features basic mouse controls and PlayStation One-era visuals. The simplicity, however, isn't detrimental to the game: Xanadu Next makes excellent use of its uncomplicated systems to deliver a fantastic dungeon-crawling experience that's well worth checking out. The game has a few minor issues that hold it back from action-RPG greatness, such as its clunky controller support and occasionally tedious progression. Still, Xanadu Next runs well, plays well, and oozes old-school RPG charm.
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim is an excellent top-down hack-and-slash RPG by Japanese developer Nihon Falcom. Originally released exclusively for PCs in Japan, Ys VI was ported to the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable by Konami in 2005 and made available around the world. This newer version of Ys VI features an XSEED localization that includes an improved translation, a more challenging game mode called Catastrophe Mode, enhanced graphical settings, and Steam support—features that more than make up for the missing content that was in the Konami-published port.
Best Shmup Games.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Game studio Cave holds true to its promise of porting its shoot-em-up (or "shmup") catalog to Steam with the release of Deathsmiles. You play as one of five gothic lolitas who defend their land from a demon invasion using familiars and intense, enemy-wrecking firepower. It's a simple premise that's bolstered by huge enemies, big explosions, beautifully detailed environments, and a thrilling goth-rock score. All in all, Deathsmiles is a thoroughly enjoyable PC shooter, despite cramped environments and sprites that were already considered a bit dated at the time of its original 2007 arcade release.
DoDonPachi Resurrection.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The shoot-'em-up renaissance that's occurring on the PC has given us many pulse-pounding shmups, but none balance thrills and depth like DonDonPachi Resurrection. Developed by Cave, a company that's created many space-shooter classics, DoDonPachi Resurrection boasts high-powered offensive and defensive options for annihilating aliens. The game also has multiple ships, multiple endings, and local co-op play.
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Top-down arcade shooters have been a video game staple for a long, long time. The 1980s saw Robotron: 2084 popularize the genre with easy to use twin-stick controls, while the 1990s added Arnold Schwarzenegger flair and Paul Verhoeven panache with Smash TV. Recently, the best shooter wasn't newfangled fare like Halo or Gears of War, but a simple gem called Geometry Wars. True to its title, sequel Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions takes the addictive shape-shooting action into the third dimension with near-immaculate results. The game is rendered with Tron-like grids, wire-framed objects that explode into kaleidoscopic fireworks as a Daft Punk-ish soundtrack pulses in the background. It's a feast for the senses.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Treasure, the development house that made its name crafting genre-defining and genre-breaking titles during the 16-bit and 32-bit console generations, applied its creative chops to the shoot-'em-up category in 2001 and released the renowned Ikaruga. It wasn't until 2018 that the game received a PC port, but the wait was worth it. Ikaruga is now available as a Steam game that retains the unique color-switching mechanic found in the previous arcade and console versions, but adds video uploads, numerous options, and a handful of Steam-specific features.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Death's frosty hand will grip us all in due time, but, fortunately, it's a one-and-done situation. We fight the inevitable but ultimately succumb without a repeated struggle. However, if you fire up Mushihimesama, a bullet hell shooter from developer Cave, you will die a lot, but may eventually cheat death should you master your guns and the ability to weave between waves of fat, neon-colored enemy bullets. This excellently crafted PC game doesn't do a very good job of introducing newcomers to its systems, but seasoned pilots will enjoy this game's huge insect enemies, awesome firepower, and many thrills.
Best Shooter Games.
Battlefield 4.
%displayPrice% at %seller% When it comes to evaluating any title in the Battlefield franchise, it's important to remember that the only reason anyone plays campaign mode is to unlock new weapons in multiplayer. Despite great voice acting by Michael K. Williams (Omar from The Wire), campaign mode is little more than a four to six hour tutorial teaching you how to play the game. Multiplayer combat, on the other hand, captures the awe of destruction. You can run across the battlefield, ducking in and out of cover, board a helicopter, hop on the mini-gun, cut enemies to shreds, then hop off the gun and repair the helicopter while in flight. It's all in a day's work on the battlefield.
Bioshock Infinite.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Shattered dreams form the foundation of BioShock Infinite, the third installment in Irrational Games' impressive saga exploring the devastating effects of isolation (and isolationism) on the human psyche. But even if you loved the original BioShock (2007) and its sequel, BioShock 2 (2018), this chapter won't leave you with the impression your dreams have been betrayed. Wedding familiar gameplay elements from the preceding titles with exciting new mechanics, an engrossing story, and stunning visual design, BioShock Infinite is the culmination of the series' aesthetic and its promise to turn a mirror on humanity by probing as deeply into the self as possible.
Borderlands 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Gearbox Entertainment and 2K Games take you back to the warzone with Borderlands 2, the sequel to the hit apocalyptic RPG-shooter that isn't Fallout. If you played the original Borderlands, you understand this game. You play a Vault Hunter, a treasure hunter looking for an alien vault on the barely colonized planet of Pandora. While doing so, you cut a swath of death through thousands of Mad Max - style raiders, mutant animals, and robots. Throughout your adventure, you level up your character in an RPG-like fashion, and collect hundreds of different guns, each with its own unique stats and attributes.
Call of Duty: Black Ops.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Activision's Call of Duty: Black Ops is less like a traditional first-person shooter than it is a plunge into someone else's fever dream. A jolting collection of intense action sequences, haunting writing, and ultra-dark humor, this installment in the popular franchise revitalized the historical-fiction FPS genre. Though its captivating campaign is on the short side, it's loaded with additional things to do, including cooperative and competitive multiplayer scenarios and plenty of unlockable extras.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Let's start with what will be the meat of the Black Ops II experience for many: multiplayer mode. Developer Treyarch has not toyed significantly with the formula, giving players numerous options for facing off against others across the country and around the globe. The missions include Team Deathmatch, Free-for-All, Search & Destroy, Capture the Flag, and eight others; you can also engage in two types of Combat Training runs to hone your skills, or play four Party Games that put interesting for-entertainment-only spins on the weapons you can use and the rules you play by.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Don't let the non-numerical name fool you. Doom is the latest sequel in the hallowed series, and it's the best modern update one could hope for. It's also the best first-person-shooter in recent memory—so long as you stick to the gory, frantic, and lovingly satanic campaign. The multiplayer is lackluster and the DLC is a shame, but the real star, the single-player mode, blends old-school design with modern know-how to form a satisfying, unholy concoction.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Far Cry 4 is a fun sandbox of shooting with an interesting land to explore and tons of missions to find and collectibles to grab. It slavishly follows Far Cry 3's structure, but when the action is this entertaining, hard to complain. Far Cry 4 doesn't do much new, but it's an enjoyable and good-looking excuse to spend some hours stomping through jungles and sniping people from towers.
Gears of War 4.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Gears of War 4, the newest entry in the series that defined cover-based shooting, brings satisfying alien-blasting action to PC. The Coalition-developed title offers a new team to fight with, new toys to play with, and all-new enemies to shred, either alone or with a friend. And, like Forza Horizon 3, Gears of War 4 is a part of Microsoft's Play Anywhere initiative, so you can play a digital copy on either a Windows 10 PC or Xbox One console with a single purchase—a nice perk. The gameplay grows a bit repetitive as the story progresses, but if you want to sneakily kill lots and lots of enemies, Gears of War 4 is a worthy pickup.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, the first DirectX 12 PC title, just about sets the standard for what a remastered game should offer. The third-person shooter was already a great game when it debuted a decade ago on Xbox 360, but this updated title adds 4K resolution, unlocked frame rates, and content that was once paid DLC. That said, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition isn't perfect; it doesn't work well with AMD GPUs, bugs from the original game are still an issue, and it lacks some of the updated mechanics found in later Gears games. But if you own an Nvidia-powered gaming rig, you'll be good to go.
Halo 5: Forge.
%displayPrice% at %seller% It's easy to recommend Halo 5: Forge to anyone who's looking for a solid multiplayer shooter. Forge comes with a wealth of multiplayer modes, including the titular map-editing mode, giving you a ton of content to chew through. It does have a few shortcomings that are worth noting, however. Multiplayer matchmaking is restricted to private lobbies, so sessions are limited to playing with your Xbox Live friends. In addition, Halo 5: Forge suffers from a tight field of view that makes playing the game unexpectedly stressful. Still, if you are willing to overlook these and a few smaller issues, Halo 5: Forge is well worth downloading. After all, you can't beat free.
Halo: Spartan Strike.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Is there anything that sounds more cynical than a top-down shooter Halo spin-off for phones and tablets? Ever since single-handedly saving the original Xbox, Halo has remained Microsoft's gaming cash cow, so sticking its name on something is a great way to drum up extra interest. However, instead of being a mere cash-in, Halo: Spartan Assault is a legitimately fun and well-produced game, triumphantly translating Master Chief's missions to PCs and mobile devices. Halo: Spartan Strike maintains much of that game's strengths, while cutting out most, but not all, of its weakness.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Shooters don't always need to be dark, gritty, or realistic. Cartoony fun has its place, too. Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch is a prime example of exactly that, with its colorful levels, multiple game modes that focus on teams attacking and defending, characters with vastly different play styles, and a few MOBA-like twists. Overwatch is a thoroughly enjoyable first-person shooter that's filled with mechanical variety, but it has one glaring problem—its awful micro-transaction structure.
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The original Garden Warfare married PopCap Games' zany Plants vs. Zombies universe with strategic, class-based third-person shooting, resulting in an addicting, polished multiplayer shooter. Garden Warfare 2 expands the roster of playable characters and variants, adds all-new customization options, introduces new game modes, and fleshes out the single-player experience, creating a much more rounded game than the original. That said, balance issues make some classes feel more potent than others, and the server connectivity is spotty at times, resulting in jittery matches. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is a solid title nonetheless, and one that fans of the original and newcomers alike can enjoy.
PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Like many other games in the open-world survival or first-person shooter genres, the primary goal of PUBG is to be the last player alive. However, PUBG doesn't adhere to the genre norms. It takes some of the best aspects of open world games, combines it with the mechanics of a good first-person shooter, and accommodates a player base typical of MMOs. There's also a good balance of gameplay elements. For example, you get to choose where to parachute down on the map, everyone starts without a weapon, and there's a deadly and giant shimmering blue dome that reduces the playable area every so often. It's tense and fun, but bugs dull the experience a bit.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Let's get this out of the way: Prey could easily pass as an unofficial System Shock game. On the surface, Prey looks very much like the brainchild of industry veterans Ken Levine or Warren Spector. While the opinions of the latest System Shock spiritual installments (BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite) are all over the place, Bethesda's take does the Shock family and first-person shooter genre justice with its fast-paced, body-morphing gameplay set in Art Deco-flavored environments.
Star Wars: Battlefront.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Star Wars: Battlefront is a multiplayer shooter that reboots the classic LucasArts video game series. Unlike previous games in the series, Star Wars: Battlefront lacks an overarching narrative and historic battles to reenact; it's basically a modern shooter given a liberal coat of Star Wars paint. The veneer is a fine one, and Battlefront has some good action to offer, including a playable Emperor Sheev Palpatine. However, once you look past the façade, the game doesn't have enough content or variety to keep you invested for a super-long time.
Star Wars Battlefront II.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Star Wars Battlefront II does many things right. It has top-notch environments, thrilling multiplayer modes, and engaging mechanics that will have you piloting ships and swinging lightsabers deep into the night. That said, an uproar over this first-person shooter's included microtransactions tanked its reputation at launch, causing publisher Electronic Arts to quickly reverse course and temporarily remove all microtransactions from the game on the eve of its release. Microtransactions will strike back in some form, however, in the near future.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Superhot is the most innovative shooter to come along in some time. Despite its unimpressive visuals, this game is a genuinely creative and challenging experience that injects puzzle elements and a bizarre meta-narrative into quick, bite-sized servings of computerized violence. It might seem like a short and simple game at first, but between the addictive time-pausing mechanic and some very satisfying and repeatable extra modes, you'll quickly find yourself playing it for hours, and the built-in social media features for sharing your best runs will keep you coming back to get more consecutive, stylish kills.
Best Sim & World-Building Games.
Elite: Perigoso.
%displayPrice% at %seller% If you want to appreciate the vastness of space, play Elite: Dangerous. This PC game by Frontier Developments is a crowdfunded follow-up to the classic Elite series of space sims. It's a game that gives you a ship, a handful of equipment, and a full tank of fuel, then sets you out on your own in the vast cosmos. It's huge, slow, deliberate, and open, and it will reward players with the patience stay with it.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Minecraft is a blocky, beautiful sandbox that lets you explore the depths of your imagination. The core of the game is exploring and surviving in a hostile world made from blocks that you can build with as you please. But as you play, you'll quickly see that this game has so much more to offer than just architecture. What Minecraft presents is plenty of space for players to enjoy their own kind of play. The detail-oriented will thrill at the possibilities of an enormous sandbox, but even a dabbler will find pleasure facing off against an unfriendly wilderness. If you've never experienced it, start exploring and see if you can resist the call of its endless potential.
No Man's Sky.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The controversial and much-hyped No Man's Sky is a game that offers two opposing experiences. One is a beautiful and wholly fresh journey through space to chart undiscovered worlds. The other weighs down that joy with mundane and repetitive resource gathering and fighting. That said, No Man's Sky is so much more than a sterile description of its parts and features. It's an astounding artistic and technical achievement that's worth playing.
The Pinball Arcade.
Free to play one table; season packs start at $29.99.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Pinball—the classic game of reflexes, luck, and spatial recognition—isn't nearly as popular as it was 25 years ago, but its legacy of tables, flippers, and gaudy lights lives on in FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade. Unlike Pinball FX 2, a pinball collection for PC gamers that features original tables from popular entertainment properties, The Pinball Arcade focuses on recreating classic real-world pinball machines from renowned manufacturers Bally, Gottlieb, Stern, and Williams. The result is a collection that looks, sounds, and feels like the pinball games of yore. Amassing all of your favorite tables could be a serious investment, however, because of the way game's season packs are organized.
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Building on our inborn desire to see things no one has ever seen and take chances beyond the boundaries of reason—and, of course, exploit our hunger for addictive turn-based strategy games—Civilization: Beyond Earth catapults you off the planet that's housed your kings, wonders, and wars for millennia (or at least since 1991, when the original Civilization was released), and lets you fend for your life and begin a new history on a literally alien world. But if there's one problem with this game, it's that it never quite feels alien enough.
The Sims 3.
%displayPrice% at %seller% With The Sims 3, the Sims series has finally grown up. No longer are the Sims just digital action figures in a big dollhouse. The new Sims have personalities, goals, and unique body types and hairstyles. The Sims themselves aren't the only thing overhauled in this release, either. The game mechanics have been changed to make it easier to customize your environments and surroundings, giving users millions of ways to create the worlds of their choice.
Best Stealth Games.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Cyborg law enforcer Adam Jensen returns to stealth-based shooting action in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the newest entry in Square Enix's cyberpunk series. Mankind Divided is a dark journey through an oppressive world where the "augmented" live as second-class citizens. Though Deus Ex's is light on its usual conspiracy-laced story, the game's numerous side quests, fantastic stealth, and gritty futuristic setting will keep you hiding, shooting, and hacking for a long time to come.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Arkane Studios' Dishonored is a fantastic first-person game that puts you in a playground of murder and stealth, while still keeping focused on an interesting story in a rich and enthralling fantasy world that's filled with supernatural happenings. It's not quite as large, as open, or as well-written as Deus Ex, but it stands as a solid spiritual successor to one of the best PC games of all time.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Stealth-action series Metal Gear started life on the MSX home computer and at long last returns to the PC after an extended absence. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes sees series protagonist Big Boss undertake extraction and elimination missions against the mysterious Cipher organization in this Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain prologue. Boasting beautiful graphics that were built on the impressive FOX Engine, a wide selection of weapons, and a variety of ways to tackle missions, Ground Zeroes sets the stage for the final chapter in the series, even if it can be beaten in roughly an hour.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
%displayPrice% at %seller% In terms of pure gameplay, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the best game in the long-running stealth series. You once again play as Big Boss, aka Punished "Venom" Snake, who battles the nefarious XOF organization across 1980s Africa and Afghanistan. Boasting a wealth of combat options, impressive weaponry, and outstanding audio and video work, The Phantom Pain is an absolute joy to play. That said, the truncated story raises more questions than it answers, and may leave you feeling a phantom pain of your own.
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine.
%displayPrice% at %seller% In this production by Pocketwatch Games, a ragtag group of criminals escape from the French Riviera prison and go on several heists: for money, documents, and, eventually, the chance to retire from the business once and for all. Monaco has the co-op formula down pat; it's easy to jump in, and complex enough to reel in long hours of sneaking and thieving. With plenty of charm and a novel design that makes stealth work, Monaco is one of the best PC co-op experiences.
Best Strategy Games.
Halo Wars 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Halo Wars 2 is a real-time strategy game set within Microsoft's insanely popular Halo universe. Utilizing a rock-paper-scissors-styled combat system, Halo Wars 2 tasks you with developing bases and armies to combat hostile alien forces. The game keeps things simple: Once you familiarize yourself with your units and resource production, it's just a matter of building the right troops for the job at hand, whether that means capturing enemy bases, defending your own base, or surviving waves of enemies. Halo Wars 2's simple design makes the RTS experience accessible for both newcomers and veterans, but the game doesn't do much to invigorate the genre besides adding the e-sports-friendly Blitz mode.
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void.
%displayPrice% at %seller% The third and final StarCraft II expansion is both a fantastic conclusion to Blizzard's five-year saga and a great entry point into one of the most complex, but satisfying, strategy games ever made. Unlike the previous StarCraft II expansion, Legacy of the Void doesn't require you to buy any previous versions of the game to play this package. It's completely standalone. Factor in a varied single-player campaign, gorgeous cinematics, and new noob-friendly co-op modes, and you'll see that Legacy of the Void is one of the best PC games of all time.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty.
%displayPrice% at %seller% StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is a sci-fi real-time strategy game in which you build structures and gather resources to build an army and defeat your opponent through cunning tactics and sheer firepower. Nothing could quite live up to the hype surrounding the real-time strategy game's release, but, even so, this is a wonderful title. The story is well-paced, and the strategy and resource-management missions will lock you into finishing the game.
Supreme Commander 2.
%displayPrice% at %seller% Gas Powered Games' Supreme Commander 2 probably doesn't deserve the word "supreme" in its title, but then changing the title would defeat the purpose of making a sequel. Not that this game isn't a fine follow-up to the 2007 original, but it's definitely aimed at a broader (and less patient) audience. With much of the micromanagement minutiae reduced or removed entirely, Supreme Commander 2 is more of a garden-variety real-time strategy title than a proud member of a distinctive series. Still, it's a lot of fun if you can accept the gameplay changes.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
%displayPrice% at %seller% 2K Games and Firaxis succeeded in rekindling a long-dead franchise with XCOM: Enemy Unknown. This turn-based strategy game is a reimagining of 1994's X-COM: UFO Defense, a long-beloved game that last saw a sequel in 2001 with the ill-received X-COM: Enforcer, a shooter that didn't have any of the first game's strategy. XCOM: Enemy Unknown feels like a straight remake of the original, bringing almost everything gamers loved about it to the PC, along with updated graphics, streamlined gameplay, and plenty of challenge.
Sobre o autor.
For more than a decade, Jeffrey L. Wilson has penned gadget - and video game-related nerd-copy for a variety of publications, including 1UP, 2D-X, The Cask, Laptop, LifeStyler, Parenting, Sync, Wise Bread, and WWE. He now brings his knowledge and skillset to PCMag as Senior Analyst. When he isn't staring at a monitor (or two) and churning out Web. Veja Bio completo.
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